2021년 한국성인간호학회 50주년 기념 국제학술대회 초록 심사 결과 발표 안내

한국성인간호학회   2021-07-15 15:54   750

안녕하세요? 한국성인간호학회입니다.


2021년 한국성인간호학회 50주년 기념 국제학술대회 초록 심사 결과가 7/9 발표 되었습니다.

포스터, 구두 발표 가이드라인을 참고하여 제출 기한 내로 ksan50.2021@gmail.com으로 보내주시기를 부탁드립니다.


E-Poster Guideline

*Accepted abstracts and e-posters will be available in the virtual conference platform of the Korean Society of Adult Nursing and https://www.ana.or.kr/.

1. Submit E-poster

-Submit by email (ksan50.2021@gmail.com) by August 8th, 2021

-If the final poster is not submitted within the deadline, the publication will be canceled.

2. Guidelines

- You can make posters just like the existing offline academic conferences.

- Poster size: Set to 90cm (width)X 120cm (length) and make the PPT one page.

- Poster file type: Make PPT one page, then convert it to PDF file format and submit it

3. E-poster exhibition period

-  August 20th (Fri) 09:00 ~ September 19th (Sun) 18:00


Oral presentation Guideline

1. Guidelines

Attached is the recording requirements. Please make sure to record your presentation as announced.

2. Oral presentation exhibition period

*Accepted abstracts and oral presentation will be available in the Virtual conference platform of the Korean Society of Adult Nursing.

August 20th (Fri) 09:00 ~ September 19th(Sun) 18:00